Kagawa Teruyuki Produced Insect Debt Brand The first "Watch" appeared from Insect Market

Taking the power of the sun and cherish one minute 1 second.

As children are adults, the future is a sustainable society.
Children who got learning in nature have data that becomes an active adult.
Insect and Learning Community "Insect Market" is conducting activities to deliver the importance of natural education to parent and child through insect motif clothes and picture books.

SuchFrom Insect Market,The first watch series has started reservation!

A total of three types are available.

Insect Collection Insect Large Collection Sollar Watch Red

Long-needle and short needles are easy to read, and INSECT COLLECTION's insect large set of first watches.


Insect Collection Insect Sign Monogram Solar Watch DBrown

Recommended insect sign monogram brown version recommended for combined with papa mom.


Insect Garden ENCYCLOPEDIE Solar Watch White

Stylish Roman numerals in INSECT GARDEN picture book pattern.

Please check it by all means!
※ Insect Market's watch is sold only with Insect Market.

For more information, go to Insect Market Sales Site
